Art is created by people and places that inspire them. At the foot of the Little Beskids you will meet artists who draw inspiration from tradition and nature, combining unlimited fantasy with mastership. Painting and sculpture, ceramics and metalwork, as well as traditional handcrafts – all you can find, when you meet the artists from Wilkowice, Bystra and Meszna.
Stanislaw Kwaśny from Meszna – carves in wood and stone, is also known as the creator of gorgeous Nativity scenes and Christmas stars. His works are known in many places in Poland where he won competitions or provided workshops. One of his sculptures went to the Vatican as a gift for Pope John Paul II. He is known not only as an artist but also as a cultural animator and educator of new generations of folk artists.
Jan Halama from Bystra – guardian of collective memory: chronicler, collector and poet. He brought together everything related to the municipality of Wilkowice in thematic chronicles. The chronicle of Wilkowice, framed beautifully in metalwork weighs more than 11 kilogrammes, and the history of the municipality covers about 100 volumes, of which 30 diaries cover the period after the Austrian partition of Poland.
Halina Kaczmarczyk from Wilkowice – paints, writes and creates utility ceramics whose main theme is the egg as a symbol of the philosopher’s beginning point from which everything starts. Paintings, ceramics, short literary forms and a rich collection of eggs from different parts of the world is a passion, which she shares during meetings and workshops.
Krzysztof Duda from Wilkowice – a passionate of history, makes copies of 17th century weaponry, mainly from heavily armed Hussars and cavalry but also cold weapons, which enjoy re-enactment groups. In addition to military goods he also creates utility and decorative objects – ornate trunks and chests, Knight’s gorgets and shields. He is famous for his books and albums, with covers of leather or fabric.
Cultural Centre “PROMYK”
2k Juliana Fałata Street
43-360 Bystra
Phone: +48 33 817 07 73