Explore the Polish Beskids on marked marked hiking and cycling trails. From Magurka Wilkowicka, with a height of 909 meters above sea level, you have a beautiful panoramic view on the Little Beskids, the Silesian Beskids and the Żywiec Beskids: for example on Babią Górę, Pilsko, Skrzyczne and Klimczok, Wielka Racza, Barania Góra and when the weather is good also on the Tatra Mountains.
During the summer the cross country skiing trails on Magurka Mountain serve as running, hiking and cycling trails. In June and September you can take part in the spring (June) or autumn (September) Uphill Magurka MTB Contest. On top of Magurka Mountain you should take a break in the lodge of Archduchess Maria Theresa Habsburg, where you can eat real Polish dishes like bigos, a traditional meat and cabbage stew. Outside the refuge, a multi-purpose construction was built, harmonizing with the surroundings as it combines modernity with regional architecture. Its interesting roof has an original construction serving as a hill for testing ski waxes before competitions start. During summer it serves as a panorama terrace.
The Virgin Mary Trail (Różańcowy Szlak Maryjny) from Meszna to the Sanctuary of Virgin Mary on Górka in Szczyrk comprises 19 wonderful handcrafted chapels from artists from the Beskids and the nearby Podhale region.
Mountain hostel PTTK “NA MAGURCE”
7 Magurka Wilkowicka
43-365 Wilkowice
Phone: +48 33 817-04-21
Email: info@magurka.beskidy.pl
909 m above sea level
Mountain hostel “ROGACZ”
1 Rogacz
43-365 Wilkowice
Phone: +48 693 070 531
Email: nowik.wojtek@gmail.com
828 m above sea level
Mountain hostel “NA GRONIU”
8 Nadmeszna
43-360 Meszna
Phone: +48 505 105 042
Email: biuro@chatanagroniu.pl
660 m above sea level
Mountain hostel PTTK “SZYNDZIELNIA”
43-309 Bielsko-Biała
Phone: +48 33 470 64 68
Email: schronisko@szyndzielnia.com.pl
1001 m above sea level
Mountain hostel PTTK “KLIMCZOK”
43-309 Bielsko-Biała
Phone: +48 33 814 52 88
Email: biuro@schroniskoklimczok.com.pl
1117 m above sea level
Commune of Wilkowice
25 Wyzwolenia
43-365 Wilkowice
Phone: +48 33 499 00 77
Email: sekretariat@wilkowice.pl
Tourist Information Center
4 plac Ratuszowy
43-300 Bielsko-Biała
Phone: +48 33 819 00 50
Email: bielskobiala@slaskie.travel
Tourist Information Center
41 Beskidzka Street
43-370 Szczyrk
Phone: +48 33 815 83 88
Email: szczyrk@slaskie.travel